Sometimes we get emails and questions of what kind of supplies we need for the ministry and for our personal lives. We've compiled an incomplete list of items. If you can help us with any of them, please
contact me.
Here is the list:
Acoustic Guitar strings (high priority)
Bass Guitar strings
Electric Guitar strings
Cables (guitar/keyboard, microphone)
Music stands
Complete Spanish Bibles NIV (Nueva Version Internacional-NVI)
Spanish Praise Music (cds or cassettes)—we want to get some praise music into the homes of the believers.
Spanish books (Chirstian Living, Bible helps, etc)
Office Supplies (pens, paper, etc.)
Bass guitar
Acoustic guitars
Electric guitar
Electric guitar amp (2)
Power Amp for monitors
One idea that we would really like to see happen every year is the opportunity of providing care packages for the extremely needy families at Christmas time. With financial support, we could buy here lots of beans, rice, sugar, pastas for soups, anything practical for these people to eat. This support would need to be clearly specified that it’s for Christmas Care packages in Cofradia.
Another way to get food to these people is sending packages of seeds so they can grow their own food.
Rotary Hammer Drill (2) –This item is used quite a bit. The ministry had two, they are used up, Gena and I had one, it got used up.
Minibus (20+ passenger)
Ford/Chevy Full-size pickup