Alternative Missions is growing. That means our ministry here in Cofradia will be growing as well. Has God called you to the mission field and are you looking for a place to minister? Please pray about these opportunities here in Cofradia:
Administrative Assistant,
Construction/Maintenance Director,
Coordinator of Hostess Services,
Short-Term Missions Coordinator,
There are more opportunities at the Alternative Missions website under Staff Opportunities in other locations as well.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Discipleship Class Quote
On Tuesday nights, level 2 of our discipleship program meets at our house. There are three students who are studying “Growing Strong in the Family of God.” It’s the Navigator’s 2:7 Course, book one. We studied last night about how Christ needs to be in the center of our life and that there are obstacles that don’t allow us to do so. For me when I was in Jr. High and early High School, it was to be accepted by my peers. When I decided to serve Christ 100%, that’s what I had to let go. Here’s a quote that makes a lot of sense that comes out of this study:
“Christ is present in all Christians;
Christ is prominent in some Christians;
But in only a few Christians is Christ preeminent.”
“Christ is present in all Christians;
Christ is prominent in some Christians;
But in only a few Christians is Christ preeminent.”
Pastor Goyo's House
We’re bringing Pastor Goyo’s house to a close. We’ve been working on his bathroom when we get chances. Tomorrow we should be done putting in the toilet, sink, and other fixtures. He’s going to grout the shower today. It’s looking pretty nice. I’ll have pictures when everything is done.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
EL RETO (The Challenge)

"Las Ballenas" (The Whales). Taken from the story of Jonah and the whale. They lost the first Reto Final in Cofradia.

"Los Desobedientes" (The Disobedient Ones). Taken from the story of Jonah and the whale. They lost the first Reto Final in Arrayanes.
We started a game last week with the youth Sunday School. We're calling it El Reto (The Challenge). There are two teams in each town (Cofradia and Arrayanes). The towns do not compete against each other so there will be two winning teams. They had to name their team after a Bible Story. Interestingly enough, the two teams that lost the Final Challenge on Sunday had chosen the same Bible Story. They are having a lot of fun. It will last five weeks and this Sunday will be week #2. One of the purposes is to bring a bit of change to the normal time of just bible study and bring back some youth who are no longer involved. They are getting points for a number of different things such as attendance, bringing Bibles, bringing friends, and there is a fundraiser involved (penny wars). We also have a devotional and a quiz the next week, a main game, and at the end of the class there is El Reto Final. They cannot win points in this, but the losing team has to do some kind of work on the church property. This past week, one team had to wash one of the ministry vehicles, the team in Arrayanes had to clean a piece of the yard with machetes. They lose points for not coming. They really enjoyed themselves last weekend and are looking forward to this Sunday. I am looking forward to it as well.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
It's been a very busy week. I'm still not finished with Pastor Gollo's tile and it looks like I won't get a chance to get to it again until Friday and Saturday. I had a great meeting this morning with my mentor, Doug, who is helping me to figure out a way to work out my schedule better. I have sensed I need to change the way I'm doing things a little for the past couple of weeks, and he basically has confirmed it by giving me new ideas, and some I've been already thinking about. He is a huge blessing to have here. I'm continuing to learn how to be an effective leader.
I'm looking into going to Tepic to have a specialist look at my ear. Every year around this time, I get infections, it plugs up, I can't hear, etc. So, instead of taking the advice of a student doctor here in town (every one we've had has given me different ways to take care of it), I think I need to see someone who actually has been in practice for a while and really knows what they're talking about. Keep this in prayer.
I'm looking into going to Tepic to have a specialist look at my ear. Every year around this time, I get infections, it plugs up, I can't hear, etc. So, instead of taking the advice of a student doctor here in town (every one we've had has given me different ways to take care of it), I think I need to see someone who actually has been in practice for a while and really knows what they're talking about. Keep this in prayer.
Children's Classroom in Arrayanes

Monday morning we learned that after service on Sunday evening, someone set fire to our Children’s classroom at the church in Arrayanes. Pastor Gollo and I went to see the damage, the church members were quick to put it out, but we lost about a quarter of the roof (made of palm branch). Pray for Pastor Horacio, he took it very hard. We already know that this town doesn’t like the Christians. He has had to deal with many things like cleaning up after humans using the back porch for a bathroom, the goats come in and use the children’s classroom as a home and leave their stuff while their at it. Donkeys, cows, pigs, etc. roam the area. We have a fence, but people go in and don’t shut the gate, thus making it easy for the animals to come in. Pray for peace and a calm spirit for the pastor.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Pastor Goyo's House
The past few days I've been keeping busy with the normal schedule of things and working on Pastor Goyo's bathroom tile. It's starting to look nice, I'm getting a little warn out though, I've been spending just about every spare minute I have out there. More news later.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Vacas (bahkahs)

This was the view outside my office about 10 minutes ago. It's actually quite normal around here, this street is a popular cattle driving path.

Monday afternoon Jay came over to help us with our carport. We have all of the steel up and welded. It's ready to paint and then we'll have the roofing sheets put up. It will be nice to have shade in the mornings, a better place for the car, and no rain coming in the windows.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Personal Testimonies


Sandra and Mili, two of the students in one of our classes, gave their personal tesimonies in church yesterday. This is one of the challenges in the class they are taking. They did a great job!
If you live in Washington, you know what it's been like here for the past couple of days...lots of rain! It rained off and on Thursday and Friday; then on Saturday and Sunday it was pretty much non-stop. The river is incredibly high, the main road into Cofradia was flooded, people had to go around (a detour of about 45 minutes to an hour). We didn't have to go anywhere yesterday (thank you, Jesus!), but we heard stories of people making the detour. We are all doing fine, the ground is saturated and it's time for coffee! I actually love this kind of weather, it's cool and relaxing. Last night the temperature dropped to 70 degrees, the high yesterday was 89. Not too bad, it's looking more and more like we're leaving the hot and muggy days behind...Praise God!!
Friday, October 07, 2005
Julio's class

Last night Julio started to teach his first class, "Vida Nueva." It's our level one of our discipleship program and all of his students were older youth than him. He did a great job, kept them in line (something I find hard to do), and kept the focus. It was a very quick meeting and they guys were paying attention. Julio is one of our students in final level of our discipleship class. He's been growing quite a bit lately (spiritually and physically). He's 14 years old and in 8th grade. He is growing into being a great leader!

A Youth: Mirna

The bridge, the congregation, and the river!

Cheche and Riky jumping off


A Youth: Julio
Eight people were baptized on Sunday at the river. We had a great time of fellowship, singing, baptizing, swimming, and jumping off of the bridge. Three of those who were baptized were students in our discipleship classes. It's great to see that people are making commitments to obey Christ. Baptism is a big thing here. It takes a while for some to make a desicion to do this because they see it as denying their culture and sometimes family. Keep praying for these people and that God would give them courage to continue on in their faith.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Youth Event

Worship service

Speed soccer

Ruben giving his testimony

Jose Alberto praying for the youth who came forward for prayer

Waterballoon volleyball
We had a great time last Saturday. We divided everyone up into four teams and every team played each other in Volleyball and Soccer. They had a lot of fun. We went inside to raffle away a bunch of prizes and then start our service. We worshipped, Ruben (one of our students in the discipleship class) gave his testimony, Jose Alberto gave the message and prayed for the youth at the end. Many of the youth were touched by the Lord during prayer time. It was great to see them seeking after God. They are learning more and more what it means to seek Him and give to Him themselves. It's exciting!
Jose Alberto, Bety, and Rebeca

Our visitors left yesterday morning to go back to Sinaloa. It was really nice to have them with us for a couple of days. Jose Alberto is a pastor in a small ranching community called Agua Pepe, just east of La Cruz de Elota, Sinaloa (where I lived for a while). His wife, Bety, is Hector Robles' sister. Hector is my friend who invited me to help him start a church in La Cruz a while back. We had a very relaxing time in town and at the beach on Monday. The tide was out so it was really fun. We tried to fly a kite that my dad bought me while we were in Washington a few months ago, but there wasn't enough consistant wind; it was fun anyway.
Monday, October 03, 2005
We Made It!!
It's finally October, the hot and muggy months of August and Septebmer are over. It is so strange how you can tell the difference in weather. About a week ago, its started getting a little cooler, yet during the day, it's obvious that the sun is a ball of fire! We've been pretty busy the past couple of days. We have some visitors from Sinaloa, Mexico who came to speak at our youth event on Saturday (pics and report later). Yesterday was a big day at the river baptizing 8 believers. Instead of having service, we all went straight to the river, worshipped and baptized. It was neat to see the majority of the church family at the river. We spent all morning there (pics and report later).
This morning we're off early for Tepic, then San Blas. We're taking our visitors on a hopefully relaxing day to town and the beach.
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers; Gena's pregnancy, Rebecka's health, and I have an ear infection.
God bless!
This morning we're off early for Tepic, then San Blas. We're taking our visitors on a hopefully relaxing day to town and the beach.
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers; Gena's pregnancy, Rebecka's health, and I have an ear infection.
God bless!
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