Here is a proposal we put together for a church truck for the Arrayanes Church. Can you help?
Arrayanes Church Vehicle Proposal
A need of a church with a mission.
Its Functions
1.) Outreach
Each Friday the church in Arrayanes makes a trip to the Indigenous village of Mojocuautla to do a Bible study. Mojocuautla lies about 7 miles into the mountains from Cofradía and is 100% Korah Indian. This ministry is realized by the Arrayanes Church Members and they are very excited about the opportunity to minister to these people.
2.) Short-Term Mission involvement
When short-term mission teams are here, the Arrayanes church has minimal involvement because of transportation issues. This vehicle would provide the opportunity for involvement in Short-term missions by the Arrayanes Church.
3.) Celebration services in Cofradía
We have a celebration service in Cofradía. Many times, we have to leave a town out because of the lack of transportation. This would provide an opportunity for the Arrayanes church to have dependable transportation to the Cofradía church.
4.) The Big Picture
Our plan in the future is to have a church service in Cofradía involving as many surrounding towns as possible. Arrayanes would be one of those towns and this would provide the opportunity to come and invite others.
An economic full size Chevy or Ford ½ ton pick-up 1995 or older
PO Box 5835 Goodyear, AZ 85338 1-800-507-4873
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