We made it to Lincoln with no problems. Although, the van did run a little warm (I guess that's normal when it's over a 100 out!). We took it easy and spent two nights with Gena's sister and her family. Sunday afternoon, we made it to Gena's brother's house, Luis, in Tracy. We brought Gena's mom with us who was staying in Lincoln with her sister. She decided to come visit Luis and stay here for a while because he has AC in the house. Lincoln was VERY HOT!

It's Monday night and we've spent the day visiting with Luis' family and has been very nice. We've really enjoyed ourselves here. Especially Rebecka who has made really good friends with her cousin Giselle. They have a lot of fun playing "princess."

We went to dinner at a Chinese Buffet and I'm full! We spent the evening in the front yard playing and talking, then moved into the back yard and most everybody hopped in the pool to cool off.

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