We've been visiting a lot the past couple of days. Rebecka is having a wonderful time with her cousins and Gena with her sister. On Friday, we went to Oxnard to visit with Frank Jimenez and his family. We did the same last year and I spelled Frank's youngest daugher's name wrong and she didn't let me forget that. Sorry A-M-Y :)

The next day we visited with a friend of Gena's from the Cofradia area that lives in Hollywood now. It was nice to see them again, it's been a couple of years. We even got to see the HOLLYWOOD sign on the hill.

Last night we visited with Staci and her husband Lonnie. I met Staci in Mexico when she was a missionary. I thought we took a picture of them, but the only one I can find is the one with Rebecka and Lonnie's kids. That was a nice visit. It's been a long time since I've seen Staci.

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