Greetings everyone! We pray that this letter finds you in good health and passionate about Jesus! We’re excited about the weather change here; it’s been nice and cool for a week now. No more hot and humid days and nights for a while.

From November 28 to December 11 we will be in Tucson, Arizona to renew visas and spend those two weeks with my parents who drove down from Washington to spend that time with us. We have all battled colds in the past couple of weeks; Rebecka is pretty much over it, and Emma is still coughing, but getting better. One of Emma’s new things is clapping while Rebecka sings. It’s very cute! Rebecka was also involved in her first parade. On November 20 (Mexican Revolution Day), she got to march around town along with her kindergarden classmates.
It has been a very exciting time here in the past few months, especially with the youth. Since July, we have seen a number of students grow stronger in the Lord and new students respond to God’s call. Here are a few of the activities that we’ve had…

This, by far, has been the biggest event we’ve had for the youth. It is hard to put into words the experience we had. Originally, we started this game last year because some of the youth were growing “tired” of bible study after bible study. Some even quit going to church and never really made it a priority. Last year was a fun, successful time of bringing back in the “tired” ones. This year, we did it again because of the fun we had last year and we added a few more things so it would be a great learning experience for everyone. Our primary goal was outreach; we wanted to reach out to more youth in the area, include the new students coming into Jr. High, and involve the fringe youth. We were so pleased on how this year turned out. We had 14 adults helping out with details, leading games, and serving the youth. The team leaders (students) had more exposure as leaders and more freedom to lead their teams. This was our secondary purpose…to give the student leaders experience in leading groups. It was great! They ALL did a great job and we gave them certificates of appreciation at the end. It was also great to see some of the students who weren’t designated leaders step up and be great encouragers and strengthen their teammates when times when discouragement set in. This brought together the students; they made friends and they learned how to work together. Each week we gave a devotional from Philippians and encouraged them to apply the devotionals to the challenges of that week. The team leaders had time to spend with their team talking about the devotions and encouraging their team. It was a great success and the students are already looking forward to next year. I posted a more detailed report on this event in October. You can read more or watch the video online.

VIDA Abundante (Abundant Life)
At the same time we started a Friday night Youth Meeting in our home. This is a time that we study God’s Word and are able to have a time of Worship. Many of the new students who participated in EL RETO have started to come to this meeting and it has been a wonderful fellowship time.
CRUZ AGUA (A Waterpark in La Cruz, Sinaloa)
One weekend in November we took 16 students and 3 leaders in our 15 passenger ministry van 5 hours north to a Youth Conference at a waterpark with another chruch. This was an amazing time for the students who were taught about “Living Under God’s Authority.” You can read a report about it online.
I could go on and on about what God is doing. This is a very exciting time and we are blessed to have partners like you who have joined us to be part of His work.
Please continue to pray.
Thank you for continuing to be part of our team and supporting our ministry. If you haven’t yet joined our team of supporters, please consider joining.
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I’ve just finished reading a book in spanish called, "Seamos Personas de Influencia" by John Maxwell and Jim Dornan. I think the title in English is, "How to be an Influencial Person". In the book, I came across a quote by author and conference speaker, Richard Exley. This is what he has to say about friendship.
(translated)..."A true friend is someone who listens and understands when you express your deepest feelings. He supports you when you struggle; He corrects you, gently and with love, when you're wrong; and he forgives you when you fail. A true friend impels you to personal growth, he stretches you so you can reach your full potential. And what's most surprising is that he celebrates your successes with you as if they were his own."
May the Lord bless you all,
Steve, Geña, Rebecka and Emma Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions
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