SEPTEMBER 1, 2007 (Centro Cristiano Cofradía)
The Staff: This year we purchased t-shirts for the staff so they will stand out amongst others. Black and yellow with a fiery orange are the colors we’ve been using for the RETO so we decided to go with black shirts and yellow writing. Below is a picture of the design on the back. It is a road pointing to the cross. On the road it says, "Siguelo" which means, "Follow Him." Underneath the design is the beginning of Philippians 3:14, "I press on toward the goal..."
We divided the 29 students who showed up into six different teams. After orientating them about the rules of this game/outreach, they were to choose a name from a Bible Story and decorate their flag.
The teams:
Martin is the leader of Los Crucificados (The Crucified). This name comes from the story of Abraham as he takes his son Isaac up the hill to be crucified. Just as God provided a lamb to take Isaac’s place, Christ took our place as well. As we give our lives to Christ and accept his gift to us, we become crucified with Christ and we no longer live, but Christ lives in us.
Mili is the leader of Los Sabios (The Wisemen). This name comes from the story of King Solomon when he has a dream and God tells him to ask for whatever he would like. Instead of asking for fame and fortune, he asks for wisdom.
Julio is the leader of Los Convertidos (The Converted). This name comes from the story of Saul’s conversion on the Damascus road. Saul was converted from a persecutor of the church to a preacher in the church.
Ruben is the leader of Los Victoriosos (The Victorious). This name comes from Deuteronomy when God tells them if they obey His commands, they will be victorious.
Gollito is the leader of Los Perseguidos (The Persecuted). This name comes from the story of when the Israelites were chased by the Pharaoh and his army as they were leaving Egypt.
Pedro is the leader of La Visión (The Vision). This name comes from the story of when God promises Abraham a son in a vision. It would be through that son (Isaac) that Abraham’s descendants would be as numerous as the stars.
As soon as each team had finished sharing their names and the story they represented. We told them to go back to the area where they were painting together and they would find something for their team (an envelope with a balloon of the color of their team attached to it.) In the envelope was an announcement that a race had begun and they were to go to a certain location in Cofradía (each team different) in order to find their next clue. This is a lot like The Amazing Race, but ideas come from Survivor and Fear Factor as well. The students love it!
There was a staff person waiting at the location each team was directed to. They had with them 9 pieces of different colored foamy paper and had to put them in order according to the directions they were given.
Would you like to try it? The fastest time for the students was 5 minutes.
The colors are: Brown, Orange, Black, Blue, Purple, White, Red, Yellow, and Green. They were to put them into a square grid of 3 lines by 3 columns (this was in an activity on Survivor once).
Here are the directions:
1) Green is in the same column as black and blue.
2) Yellow is to the left of green and directly above orange.
3) White is to the right of red and directly above yellow.
4) Orange is to the left of blue and in the same row as brown.
Let me know how you do…:). The answer will be at the end of this report in a picture of a team that completed it.
Once they finished that brain teaser, they were to go back to the church where a staff member was waiting for them. There, they had to put in order the books of the bible with only using a list of the books in alphabetical order. Can you do that?
When they finished, they were directed to the baseball field where a truck and driver was waiting for them. They were to get in and not get off until the truck stopped…in Santa Fe (about 3 miles east of here).
They got off their truck, went to “a store on December 12th street.” There they received another clue that told them to find someone (a youth) in Santa Fe to join their team, they would participate in the Final Challenge of the day.
Once they found their new member, they took them to the town center where we blindfolded the new member and they tossed water balloons to the rest of the team as they tried to catch them in a small tub.
The three teams to catch the least amount of water were sentenced to do chores the next day. Their job was to clean the very dirty, moldy, muddy tents from camp (one month earlier). They would loose points for each member not present.
First RETO lesson: As one of the teams headed out after receiving their first clue, they ended up finding the trucks at the baseball field (the third stop). They were supposed to be on the other side of town to find their clue! They lost a lot of time, but were able to recuperate a little. The lesson is from Proverbs 14:12, “there is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death.” What this team learned from experience is that in life, we may be going down a road that seems like it’s the right one, but when we get to the end, we find out that we were absolutely wrong. As the verse says, “it leads to death.” This team did not reach death or anything close, but they did reach disappointment knowing that another team was already two clues ahead of them. They kept their heads up and made it to the last stop that day (in last place). Many people search for answers in life; many people are deceived by a lie that looks very much like the truth. Just like Adam and Eve in the garden were deceived; we can be deceived as well. Thus, we have a world full of different religions. Many of them look like the real thing, but there’s just enough falsehood in them to make it absolutely wrong.
In the end, each team found a member from Santa Fe to join their team, making the final tally 35 students in week one! The three teams—Los Sabios, Los Convertidos, and Los Perseguidos ended up cleaning the tents the next day after church.
Answer to the brain teaser..
Great brainteaser! I got it in under a minute!