One of the most exciting things about working with youth, especially in a small ranching community, is to see their hunger and thirst grow for Christ. We have a number of students who have expressed interest in furthering their education in Bible Schools, Discipleship Training Schools (YWAM), studying music, and what few students here have the opportunity to do…go to university.
Our desire as a staff is to help these students in any way we can to fulfill their dreams of being pastors, worship leaders, missionaries, and strong Christians in the community in which they live. We believe that investing in a Scholarship Fund for these students is one way that you can help as well.
There are currently two students who are pursuing further education at the Victory Bible Institute. This Bible school, located in the state of Oaxaca, “trains men and women called to serve God by developing their spiritual lives, clarifying the understanding of their call, equipping them with occupational training, and planting them in a ministry where they can serve, grow and apply the training they receive.” You may read more about the Victory Bible Institute at
In order to realize this call, Jesús and Martin both need to raise individually a minimum of $1500 by September 1 in order to cover their educational expenses. As you read their profiles below, please pray and consider what donation you can make towards this Scholarship Fund and the further training of these two young men.

Jesús Hernández is the oldest son of the head pastor in Cofradía. He received Christ into his heart as a youth during a youth event. Several years later, while on a missions trip to Tijuana, he felt the Lord calling Him to a deeper commitment. Shortly thereafter he was baptized and sought a spiritual mentor, and he has grown in discipline and leadership ever since. He is now part of our Student Leadership Team for the youth ministry as well as one our master builders in the construction of our central church facility. He has demonstrated a passion for the Lord and a willingness to serve in every area, and we are excited to see how the Lord will continue to use Him for His Kingdom and glory.
Jesús says, “God has called me to study in a school in Oaxaca in order to learn more about Him so that I am better able to share Him with others. I know this will make me stronger in Him and help me to have an even better relationship with Him by learning more about the Bible and learning how to depend on Him more. I believe that studying at this school will enable me to carry out the vision He has given me: to minister to youth and lead them to Christ. I believe that youth need to learn more about Christ and know Him more in a personal relationship with Him. I would like to one day go to other towns and start youth groups that are solid and founded in the Lord, and I believe that through those youth we will reach even more for the Lord.”
Martin Garzón is the oldest son of the pastor in Arrayanes, and he too came to Christ at a young age. He has already completed one year of Bible school, and the effects have been tremendous. Besides demonstrating personal spiritual growth and maturity, he returned with a resolve to serve. He has been involved in evangelizing the Cora Indians in Mojocuatula, in the worship band as a bassist, and in the Student Leadership Team in our youth ministry. In addition, he has been instrumental in a harvest of youth in his town through the creation of a drama team and a Christian youth rap band. He is excited and passionate about evangelism and missions with indigenous groups, especially the Cora, and we are excited to see how the Lord realizes this call in his life.
Martin says, “I want to take the gospel to the Cora Indians that live in the mountains. However, I need to learn how to disciple or teach with more depth as well as strategies that motivate others to grow in leadership. I know that in Christ I can do all things and that in Him we can reach every indigenous group of the Sierra Madres, teaching them to know Christ. I believe that a relationship of trust in Christ is the answer and that that relationship is what the Cora
Indians, and all ethnic groups, really need.“

Martin Garzón is the oldest son of the pastor in Arrayanes, and he too came to Christ at a young age. He has already completed one year of Bible school, and the effects have been tremendous. Besides demonstrating personal spiritual growth and maturity, he returned with a resolve to serve. He has been involved in evangelizing the Cora Indians in Mojocuatula, in the worship band as a bassist, and in the Student Leadership Team in our youth ministry. In addition, he has been instrumental in a harvest of youth in his town through the creation of a drama team and a Christian youth rap band. He is excited and passionate about evangelism and missions with indigenous groups, especially the Cora, and we are excited to see how the Lord realizes this call in his life.
Martin says, “I want to take the gospel to the Cora Indians that live in the mountains. However, I need to learn how to disciple or teach with more depth as well as strategies that motivate others to grow in leadership. I know that in Christ I can do all things and that in Him we can reach every indigenous group of the Sierra Madres, teaching them to know Christ. I believe that a relationship of trust in Christ is the answer and that that relationship is what the Cora
Indians, and all ethnic groups, really need.“
How can I help?
Each of these young men will need to raise at least $1500 by September 1 to cover the cost of tuition, books, transportation, and outreach activities. If you would like to partner with us financially by donating to the Youth Scholarship Fund there are a couple of ways that can be done.
· Send a check made out to “Alternative Missions” accompanied by a separate note with the designation "Cofradía Youth Scholarship Fund" .. Mail the check to: Alternative Missions, P.O. Box 5835, Goodyear, AZ 85338.
· Donate online. Your donation is secure, consistent and automatic. Just click on the link:
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