We had a pretty good time in Spokane. After seeing my aunt and uncle Friday morning, we took off to Spokane, got situated in the hotel room my parents set us up in, and went out to dinner with Jeff and Kerry Kennedy--friends from college. It was great to see them after such a long time with their four awesome children.
From there we went to the Convention Center downtown to attend the Spiritual Hunger/Healing Rooms conference and the worship was wonderful! The message was good too, after attending meetings on Saturday morning and evening, I was pleased with how they spoke an down to earth topics such as identity in Christ and the problem of Obesity in our country. Very good stuff!
There was a group of people who waived banners during worship...it looked pretty cool.
There were some extra banners for those who wanted to join in...Rebecka couldn't wait!
Downtown Spokane...very nice!
Sunday morning we spoke at Fountain of Faith, a church that an old elementary school friend, Gordy Marson, is helping start. Pastor Sonny Weathers is a very nice guy and the people were very friendly. We enjoyed ourselves.
After having lunch with Gordy and his wife, we headed over to Coeur d'lane, Idaho to our hotel to rest a bit before heading down to the lake, a nice walk along the boardwalk and playing on the play structure with the kids. It was a nice relaxing time.
In front of the Coeur d' Lane Resort about to go on our boardwalk walk.

I thought I'd relax a bit as Emma drove the boat! lol.
Monday morning after breakfast, we hopped over to Haugan, Montana to the $50,000 Silver Dollar Bar/Gift Shop/Restaurant to look around. As kids, we stopped there every time we went to visit family in Montana. So, Geña and the girls have now been to Idaho AND Montana. :)
On our way back through Idaho, we stopped and had lunch with Kerry Kennedy's mom along the river just north of Kingston, Idaho. Then, we drove down to Mesa, Washington to visit a couple of guys from the Cofradía area who are up here on contract to work in the apple fields. It was good to see them, Juan Luis and Gabriel, as we ate dinner with them in their living quarters.
Having a good time at the river.
Our visit with Mrs. Neubauer.

The guys: Gabriel and Juan Luis are from Arrayanes (just north of Cofradía) and their roommate Saul.
Home by mid-night for school the next morning. Great trip, we got to see a lot and I absolutely love Northern Idaho!!