Monday, December 27, 2010
Iglesia Hosanna
I have just added to the right a link to "Iglesia Hosanna." Pastor Rafael Gradilla is a very good friend of mine and one of my favorite speakers, I have a lot of respect for him. He has travelled to Cofradía many times and God has used him greatly.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Youth Christmas Party in Cofradía
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Last month, we asked for your prayers concerning...
- House Thank you for continuing to keep this in mind as we are looking forward to adding a couple of rooms upstairs.
- Personal Finances Thank you for those of you who have been so generous!
- Geña’s citizenship The fingerprinting appointment was pretty simple. Her Interview is set for January 11.
- Time in Washington So far we have really been enjoying our time. The girls were so happy that it snowed the other day and we all got to play in it. Please keep us in your prayers.
1OTH ANNIVERSARY!!--Geña and I celebrated our 10th Anniversary on November 18th with dinner at the Space Needle!
Inauguration—On February 27, 2011, we will be inaugurating the new church and beginning our weekly services there. Come join us!!!
Facebook—if you’re on Facebook, I’d love to get in touch with you!
This month, would you please pray for...
- Health Insurance We have been advised to acquire Health Insurance. Thank you for praying as we make this decision and that God would guide us to the right plan for us.
- Monthly Support Because of the added expense for Health Insurance, we are in need of increasing our monthly support $600. Will you help us by donating $20, $50, or $100 a month? If 30 people started donating or increased their donations $20 a month, we could reach our goal. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness and generosity. Together we will make a difference.
- House Thank you to all who have helped us in this area. We are raising money to add two rooms and a bathroom to the upstairs of our home in order to host visitors and students. If you would like more information, please contact us.
- Geña’s citizenship Geña’s Naturalization Interview is set for January 11. Thank you for praying for her in her preparation and during the Interview at 8:45AM.
As you give, you are investing in the Kingdom of God. This is an opportunity for you to further His Kingdom, thank you so much! Click here to donate
Steve, Geña, Rebecka and Emma Rose Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
SKYPE: “srsilberman”
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Cofradía Student Ministry Report--November '10
Here is a report of the latest Youth Event in Cofradía written by Sandy. Scroll down for the English version and photos.
El día 27 de Noviembre tuvimos un concierto con la banda de la iglesia y los cantantes de Rap del grupo de jóvenes; Rubén (NAVY) y Raudel (FR) acompañados de un nuevo cantante! También de nuestro grupo, llamado Cecilio el cual causo mucha impresión ya que este muchacho en particular es muy tímido y nunca había hecho algo así y mucho menos en público. Todos creemos que Dios tiene algo grande preparado para este joven.
Bueno este día empezó un poquito mal ya que planeamos empezar a una hora y lo hicimos mas tarde, decidimos hacer unos juegos antes y no sucedió, y cuando empezamos el concierto había muy pocos jóvenes y esto se debía a que en el pueblo vecino (San Marcos) había un gran baile y los jóvenes simplemente decidieron irse para allá. Pero como nosotros sabemos que Dios hace su voluntad, la mayoria de los jóvenes que conocemos, estaban ahí al final alabando a Dios.
También contamos con la presencia de Max, el estuvo grabando con la cámara que le regalaron al grupo. El estuvo animando a los jóvenes a expresar su gozo por medio de la danza y la alabanza y lo consiguió!
Bueno pues como ya dije, empezamos un poquito mal, pero conforme iba pasando el tiempo Dios iba aumentando la calidad de ese tiempo hasta hacernos sentir su presencia esa noche. Aquí están unas fotos de ese tiempo el cual en lo personal fue muy chido!!!! Disfrútenlas…
On November 27, we had a concert with the church's worship band and the Rap group singers; Rubén (NAVY) y Raudel (FR). A new singer who is also from our group accompanied them named Cecilio. We were all impressed because this particular guy is very shy and he's never done anything like this before, and in public! We all believe that God has something great prepared for this young man.
Well, this day started a little unorganized because we planned to start at a certain hour and ended up starting late. We had planned to do some games, but that didn't happen and when the concert started, there were only a few students. The reason for the low turnout was because there was a huge dance in the neighboring town (San Marcos) and the students just simply decided to head over there. But, as we know that God's Will is done, the majority of the students that we know were there in the end worshipping God.
We also had Max with us, he was recording with the video camera. He successfully encouraged the students to express their joy in dance and praise.
As I mentioned, we started a little unorganized, but as time went on, God increased the quality of the time as we felt His presence that night. Here are some photos of our time which for me personally was really cool!! Enjoy...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
10th Anniversary!

November Update
Last month, we asked for your prayers concerning...
- House Thank you for continuing to keep this in mind as we are looking forward to adding a couple of rooms upstairs.
- Youth Ministry in General We have reorganized the Student Ministry this past month in order to make a better connection with Students. Check out the post on the “New Look” here
- Washington After 12 days of visiting and driving, we’ve arrived in Washington. We’ll be staying at my parents house as we renew documents and go through the process of citizenship for Geña. We have already sent in the renewal forms for the girls’ passports as well as renewing our Drivers Licenses. Thanks for your prayers as we travelled.
Follow these links for more..
Inauguration—On February 27, 2011, we will be inaugurating the new church and beginning our weekly services there. Come join us!!!
Facebook—if you’re on Facebook, I’d love to get in touch with you!
This month, would you please pray for...
- House Thank you to all who have helped us in this area. If you would like to invest in our family, this would be a great way!
- Personal Finances it is always a big hit when we drive up to Washington. We set money aside each month for our “Border Trips”, but it never covers all the costs.
- Geña’s citizenship She has an appointment for fingerprinting and pictures on December 2. After that, we find out when she goes in for the interview.
- Time in Washington We always enjoy coming to Washington. Our goal is to get back to Cofradía for Christmas time, however, everything depends on when the citizenship process is complete. I really don’t know exactly when we go back. It will be nice to visit with family and friends while we are here. Thank you for your prayers while we are here.
Thank you very much for your prayers and continued support.
As you give, you are investing in the Kingdom of God. This is an opportunity for you to further His Kingdom, thank you so much! Click here to make a safe donation
Steve, Geña, Rebecka and Emma Rose Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
SKYPE: “srsilberman”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
New Look for Student Ministry
- About 25-30 students (not including the leaders) came.
- To me, each one showed interest in the games.
- The leaders have commented on how impressed they were with the result of the change in our group.
- One specific comment came from the Jr. High. They were almost the whole time shouting, screaming, and enjoying the activities and when asked if they'd like to go back to the old format they said, "No, no we're good like this." So, this confirms to me that this was not a bad idea to change the format.