In June, we took a quick trip up to Tucson, Arizona for a week to take care of a few things and visit some friends while we were there.
On our way up, we stopped in La Cruz, Sinaloa where I lived for about a year helping Pastor Hector Robles of "Cosecha Final La Cruz" get things going over 10 years ago. This was the first time I had the opportunity to preach in La Cruz, usually I lead worship when invited. It was a great time, they really know how to make you feel comfortable and special. I preached from Mark 8, specifically focusing on how the Revelation of God's Truth is a process in our lives. Sometimes we may be completely blind to a certain truth like the Pharisees were; sometimes we misinterpret Jesus' words like the Disciples did in the boat; and sometimes we think we understand the Truth, but we've been misinformed by those who've taught us like the Jews who were taught by the Teachers of the Law in their time. It's important to not have the things of man in mind, but instead the things of God. Interesting Chapter--the title of the sermon was "Walking Trees".

Once we arrived in Tucson at our friends' house, we were able to get a little rest and hang out in the pool...

We were going to go shopping one evening, but encountered a little problem...apparently the 108 degree weather caused the window to burst out (our friends and their neighbors plus the police all confirmed this). Nothing was missing and there was no evidence of rocks or bullets so the window had to have had a crack in it to have bursted like this.

Bob and Dorothy Micher--some great friends! We appreciate them so much! For more than ten years, every time we've come up through Arizona they've let us stay at their house.

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