Kosechando Destinos (Harvesting Destinies) is the summer camp our youth go to each year. This year the theme was "Agentes de Cambio" (Change Agents). Many of the speaking had to do with our identity (which was cool because that's what we focused on at the Leadership Retreat). If we do not understand who we are in Christ and experience change ourselves, it will be difficult to see change in the world.
Many of the students were touched by the Lord which is vital in order to see change in their life. The activities were much the same as camps in the past with 10 teams of 10 students competing in games and trying to avoid "nominations"--the decision on who will be cleaning camp and the bathrooms each day. For the ultimate penalty for not participating or simply having a bad attitude included eating snake and having a raw egg broken over your head. Hmm exciting!!
The event that was really cool was on Friday, we brought the students into town to do some social work at a couple of different locations--a place where "special" kids come to stay and do activities and another place called "the Grandfather's House" where retired people can hang out, do crafts, plant gardens and be involved in certain things in the community. It's a lot like a Senior's club. The students did a lot of painting and cleaning inside and outside the two locations. After a late lunch, we paraded down the streets of La Cruz de Elota to the plaza where we held an evangelistic concert (click here to see short video). It was a great to see so many students being renewed and encouraged in the Lord to keep on serving him--something we've needed here.
Here are some pics at "The Grandfather's House"...

Earlier in the week, the students were challenged to give something up that they treasured as a sacrifice to God. I've seen this happen in the past where the things "sacrificed" were never returned to the students. This year, under the suspense of fire on stage and the appearance that these sacrifices would be burnt, Pastor Héctor reassured the students that God saw their heart and was pleased with their sacrifice. Just as the angel stopped Abraham from actually killing his son, God saw Abraham's heart and provided a lamb to be sacrificed instead. In the end, Pastor Héctor returned the student's belongings to them and used this as a teachable moment. With the same measure of pain in giving up the sacrifice, was the measure of joy they received in getting what is "close" to them back.

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