As Geña left the house this morning to go on her walk, our Chihuahua, “Pony,” wanted to go with her. Without a leash, they started to walk. Two blocks from the house some bigger dogs started to chase him. Immediately, Pony races back to the house faster than he’s ever ran leaving a trail of dust behind as the dogs take off after him. Geña returned to the house to find Pony frightened and scared for his life. Grabbing the leash to venture out once more, Pony willingly let her put it on him and at once felt safely connected to his protector. Off they went walking together back into the dangerously scary world where the enemy awaited to attack. When they came closer to the threat of trouble, Pony looks up at Geña with humble eyes that would say, “Help me.” She reaches down to cradle her hand under his belly and gently picks him up and carries him through his fear.
What a picture of how being connected to our Protector creates a sense of security and faith that He will carry us through our fear!