GREETINGS from Cofradía, Mexico! We are in an exciting time right now in this ministry. God has been touching so many lives. Every week we are seeing new local people visit. This last Sunday there was a comment from a visitor, “what are you guys going to do once this place fills up, because it’s going to fill up!” This is a good problem as we set out 160 chairs each Sunday.
Our family is doing well, everyone is healthy and Mackenzie is growing fast. She is a very good and happy baby.
Last time, we asked you to pray for...
- All Women Short-Term Missions Team Reaching 140 women who attended a banquet in our auditorium! Click here for the report and photos
- Operation Christmas Child 300 boxes were distributed to children in the two towns of Las Pilas and Cofradia! Click here for the report and photos
- Future Ministry Opportunities I have posted a little history and our purpose on our blog as well as some of the ways groups and individuals can get involved.
Links to other news:
- Pastor Heriberto Rodriguez was born and raised in Cofradia and now is an ordained minister living in Florida with his wife. They work together preaching at the jails and visiting and praying for people in their homes. Click here to read about his recent visit to Cofradía.
- ALTERNATIVE MISSIONS COFRADIA VIDEO UPDATE Sunday Church Services, Children’s Sunday School, and Youth Group:
- La Fuente Heroes Tour came to Cofradía and many of our children were ministered to.
- EL RETO 2012
- Dwellings build in October
- Parents’ visit to Cofradía
This month, will you please pray for...
- Doug and Jan Taylor Conference Once again, former staff members will be returning to hold a weekend conference speaking to our leaders, congregation, and married couples. Pray for accurate interpreting and open hearts to the Word of God. People are always blessed when the Taylors come (Feb. 8-10).
- Date Night We’ll be hosting a Date Night on February 10 with the Taylors as guest speakers. All married couples are invited. Many people have expressed interest, even the visitors and other people from town. Please pray for open hearts to God’s Word and that not only many marriages will begin a process of transformation, but individuals a well (February 10).
- Pastor Mariano Riscajche We, along with the other pastors of the region, will be hosting a huge Evangelical event in Tuxpan, Nayarit with guest speaker, Pastor Mariano Riscajche from Almolonga, Guatemala. Some of you may have heard of this town that was transformed by the gospel a few years back and is now exporting exaggeratingly huge fruits and vegetables from this land. We are expecting great things to happen! Please pray for healings and transformed lives throughout the region. Pray for wisdom for the ushers. Pray for travel safety for everyone, including Pastor Riscajche. Pray that God will be glorified (February 15). Google for more information on Pastor Mariano Riscajche and Almolonga, Guatemala. It is known as the “Miracle City.”
- First Cofradia Youth Wedding I have the privilege of marrying the first young couple in the church where both are from Cofradía and have not yet begun to live together. Please pray for a smooth service and that Jesús and Cinthia have a God-honoring marriage (February 17).
- Church’s 2nd Anniversary We will be celebrating our 2nd Anniversary as a church meeting in the new building. It will be an exciting time as we have special guest speaker, Pastor Gregorio Hernández, all the way from Cofradía—yay! (February 24).
- EL RETO Training in Sinaloa Pray for a smooth time of teaching as I will be training a church in La Cruz, Sinaloa on how to reach students for Christ through a “Challenge” event (March 2).
- Men’s Mission trip to Oaxaca A group of 12 men in the church are going to Oaxaca on a Missions trip where they will be helping another church through teachings and some light construction. Please pray for finances for these men as $3000 pesos is very hard to come by in this area. If you would like to make a general donation, please click here and specify it for Cofradia Men (March 25 – April 2).
Thank you very much for partnering with us through your prayers and financial support.
Another way to donate is by sending a check made out to Alternative Missions to Alternative Missions / PO Box 5835 / Goodyear, AZ 85338. On a separate note, indicate that it is for The Silbermans.
Steve, Geña, Rebecka, Emma, and Mackenzie Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions Cofradia
Area Director
SKYPE: “srsilberman”
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