Greetings from Cofradia, Mexico! We have been reminiscing of our trip last year up through California and moving north-east then west visiting friends and interesting locations and finally arriving at our last destination in Washington at my parents’ house on July 3. It’s fun to go back and look at some of the pictures. We will not be making any trips this summer, but look forward to the next opportunity the Lord gives us to visit friends and family.
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Mt. Rushmore |
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Charles Ingall's homestead |
We are finished with our home school classes for the year and the local school will be out in a couple of weeks. Rebecka graduates from 6th grade at the local school and Emma will be moving into 3rd grade in September.
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Pastor Martin's drama group. |
Some great things have happened this month as you will read below. In addition to those things, we helped a local Pastor in an open-air evangelism outreach in a town called El Arrayan (not to be confused with “Los Arrayanes” near Cofradia). We took some band members, the drama team, some intercessors, and Pastor Goyo preached. It was a great time to meet the brothers in this town and give any encouragement we could. They do not have a pastor nor a place to meet. It was great to come together with another pastor and help him in his vision to reach this town. Something we look forward to doing as a ministry for many years to come!
We are grateful for your partnering with us to invest in the Kingdom of God together as we Raise up Leaders in Rural Mexico!
- Continued healing for Mackenzie. She has improved quite a bit. Her face looks really good and shows no signs of a burn. Her chest and stomach have some discoloration, but there are no scars! Thank you so much for keeping Mackenzie in your prayers. We are so grateful for the hundreds of people who have expressed their sympathy and let us know they are praying. We have been blessed by all of you!
Class-time - Cofradia Bible School Students The students finished their final exams for the Spring Quarter. It was a big challenge for all of them to write reports on the computer. Most of them have never done that before and I was so proud of everyone for sticking to it and allowing themselves to grow. They all did a great job! They will be starting the Summer Quarter classes on July 1st as they finish up the final Bible Survey class and study Biblical Counseling.
- Religious Association. We had an excellent meeting with the Pastor who was so graciously willing to orientate us on a process that he finished a few years ago. It turns out that it seems to be easier, less expensive, and quicker than I had been told and thought. We are excited about continuing to move forward with this as the Pastor has given us contact information of a believer in Mexico City who works in this area and is willing to help us.
- Elder’s Retreat. We had a great time! A highly needed retreat for us all as Pastor Goyo cemented a strong foundation in the team. Read here for details and see pictures.
- Help. We were encouraged by many of you who showed your support for our situation. Thank you for your continued prayers for wisdom and provision.
- Local School. I do not regret “venting” with you last month as this is an area in this town (and many small towns like it) that needs help. Whether or not I can do something about it, I don’t know. But, I will continue to pray for the young lives who grow up here so they can receive a good education.
Here are some links to more:
- Last month’s update.
- Cofradia’s Short-Term Missions Manual explains more about what our mission is about.
This month, will you please pray for...
- Cofradia Bible School Students for continued growth in their lives as they begin the 8-week Summer Quarter on July 1.
- Religious Association. Continued wisdom and understanding as we fill out paperwork and make decisions on placing people in certain “positions”.
- Help. Thank you for your continued prayers for wisdom and provision.
- Local School. School gets out the second week of July. Rebecka will be graduating on July 15 from 6th grade and Emma will be moving into 3rd grade next September.
- Kids’ Club with a YWAM team from Mazatlan (July 20-27). We’ll also be ministering in the close-by Indigenous Communities.

Steve, Geña, Rebecka, Emma, and Mackenzie Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions Cofradia
Area Director
Cell: 011-52-1-323-116-0565
SKYPE: “srsilberman”
Thank you very much for partnering with us through your prayers and financial support.
Click here to donate to our personal support.
MAILING ADDRESS FOR SUPPORT. Another way to donate is by sending a check made out to Alternative Missions to Alternative Missions / PO Box 3107 / Ferndale, WA 98248. On a separate note, indicate that it is for The Silbermans.
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