On June 19, twelve people graduated from the Summit Bible College extension we have in Nayarit. After two and one-half years of studying, some received Associates Degrees, others received Bachelor's Degrees, and others received their Master's. SBC takes into consideration of not only former education, but experience as well making these degrees reachable.
We are excited about this opportunity and have noticed that there are many pastors and leaders in Mexico who have not received a formal education. Those who have received previous education have been typically taught only the doctrines of their denomination. SBC encourages us to study what the bible says and what other religions and denominations believe. This will either reinforce what we've been taught or challenge us to re-think what we've been told is a correct interpretation.
Here is what a few graduates had to say about their experience...
"As Christians we can know the basics, but when you really dive into the Scriptures, you can learn great things. It's also amazing how books written by other brothers and sisters from around the world can help. I encourage everyone to be motivated to study and learn more." --Liliana Garzon, Arrayanes, Associates in Biblical Studies and Bachelors in Theology
"I learned a lot through the scriptures and some of the investigations I did through articles and other books. I learned about God's character and how He is exalted even through some non-Christian Historians whose accounts of what has happened in the past support the Word of God." --Pastor Gregorio Hernández, Cofradia, Bachelors in Theology and Masters in Theology
"My wife and I had been praying and fasting and asking the Lord to guide us to a place where we can receive training in order to preach the gospel according to the Truth in the Scriptures. While at the beach, two hours away, we saw Steve and his family and he told us about the Bible School. It was an answer to prayer and we are so grateful for all that we have learned and realizing how much we didn't know." --Pastor Amado Verdin, Rosamorada, Bachelors of Theology in Biblical Counseling
I was introduced to the school through a long-time friend, Francisco Jimenez. I first met Francisco when I was in High School. He was our interpreter for our youth group's short-term mission team in Mazatlan. We kept in touch and visit him and his wife at their home in Oxnard, CA when we drive through. Francisco was also our interpreter at our wedding (Geña and I were married twice in one day! HA!)
It only seemed fitting to invite Francisco to be the special speaker. He has graduated with a Masters from SBC and was the Director of the Ventura extension for a few years. He shared about his ministries, the college, and delivered an excellent message to the Fathers as it was Father's Day.
So, after 2 ½ years of studying, I would like to present to you the First Generation of graduates from Summit Bible College's extension in Nayarit...
Pastor Amado Verdin, Rosamorada. Bachelors of Theology in Christian Counseling. |
Lourdes Soto, Rosamorada. Bachelors of Theology in Christian Counseling. |
Maria Sicairos, Cofradia. Associates in Biblical Studies and Bachelors of Theology in Christian Counseling. |
Pastor Luis Vázquez, Cofradia. Honors Graduate. Bachelors of Theology in Christian Counseling. |
Victor Hugo Díaz, Cofradía. Honors Graduate. Bachelors of Theology in Christian Counseling. |
Pastor Horacio Garzon, Arrayanes. Honors Graduate. Bachelors of Theology in Christian Counseling. |
Efigenia Silberman, Cofradía. Honors Graduate. Bachelors of Theology in Christian Counseling. |
Sandra Garzón, Cofradía. Honors Graduate. Associates in Biblical Studies and Bachelors in Theology. |
Liliana Emilia Garzón, Arrayanes. Honors Graduate. Associates in Biblical Studies and Bachelors in Theology. |
Angel Martinez, Cofradía. Bachelors of Theology and Masters of Theology. |
Martin Garzón, Arrayanes. Bachelors of Theology and Masters of Theology. |
Pastor Gregorio Hernández, Cofradía. Honors Graduate with highest grade. Bachelors of Theology and Masters of Theology. |