Monday, April 17, 2017

Emma's 11th Birthday

We celebrated Emma's 11th birthday on Monday, April 10, at the beach in San Blas.  She invited two school-girl friends and had family from Cofradia join us along with some friends from Tepic.  All day long they were in the water with the boogie boards.  It was a great time.  Lain took some really good pictures...

Friday, April 14, 2017

Rosamorada Outreach

Pastor Amado and his congregation, Casa de Oración la Hermosa, put together a three-day open-air outreach in the plaza of their town, Rosamorada.  Throughout the three days, many people were touched by the Lord.  On the final evening, one lady gave a testimony about how she had been loosing her sense of smell and hearing.  As she was dancing at the altar after the service during ministry time, she said she heard a "pop" in her head and all of the sudden could smell "un rico carne asada" (grilled beaf at a nearby taco stand) and she could hear just fine.  Praise the Lord!

A pastor from Chiapas spoke the first two nights and the final night a lady from Rosamorada who now lives in Las Vegas shared a very appropriate testimony of how God took her out of living on the streets and drug addictions.  The people of Rosamorada remember her from her previous lifestyle, but now she is excited to be able to share with everyone what God has done in her life and what He can do in others...especially in Rosamorada.

It was also great to see a number of different evangelical churches gathered together in unity at one public event.

Here are some pictures that Lain was able to take:

Monday, April 03, 2017


Greetings from Cofradía, Mexico! Thank you for your prayers last month as it was a pretty busy one!  In our last letter, we mentioned that we had just returned from a quick border trip to Southern California, held a Drummer Workshop, and Celebrated our 6th year in the new Church Building.  Activities continued with a celebration of life for our friend Roger Reeh who lived in Mazatlan with his wife Hazel, the Church Elders’ Retreat, a new class for Pastors and Leaders through the Bible School, grading papers for previous classes, filling out paperwork for the Civil and Religious Associations, inquiring about local High Schools, the Financial Administration seminar, planning for upcoming events, and Rebecka’s first Violin lesson!

Last month, we asked you to pray for... 

  1. Elder’s Retreat: Pastors Goyo and Luis did an excellent job organizing and executing the in-house retreat for the elders of the church.  It was very helpful to come together for the two days in fellowship as we analyzed how we are doing and planned for the future. 
  2. Administration Seminar: It was a great blessing to have Pastor Hector from La Cruz and one of his associates, Hector Quintero, come to share about Biblical Principals on Financial Administration.  Many of the things he taught will be very helpful for our people! 
  3. Restoration Center: Within days of sending out our last update mentioning the need for $2,000, we received it!  Thank you so much for all of you who participate in our ministry whether its prayer, financial support for the ministry or us, or by coming down to help.  You all make a difference!  The owner of the land we want to purchase will be arriving at the end of this month so we can work out details.
  4. Rebecka’s High School: We think we found the best option for Rebecka’s High School.  Though it is not the best logistically, it is the best option to prepare her for University.  The High School, Preparatorio 5, in Tuxpan is about 40 minutes away and will add $150 - $200 of travel expenses a month to our budget. Thank you for your prayers concerning this and we ask for your continued prayers as she begins this new chapter of her life in August. 
  5. Our Family: We constantly need your prayers.  Thank you!
Here are some links to more:

This month, will you please pray for...

  1. Rosamorada Outreach: Pastor Amado is heading up a three-day outreach in the middle his town of Rosamorada.  Our church will be participating in a number of areas and I will be leading worship the final night.  Pray for souls to be saved and lives to be touched.  Pastor Amado has a gift of reaching those who have Drug and Alcohol addictions. (April 7-9) 
  2. Emma’s Birthday:  We’ll be heading to the beach on Emma’s birthday this year with a number of family and friends.  Pray for safety and a great day for Emma! (April 10) 
  3. 49th Anniversary: Mom and Dad will be celebrating their 49th anniversary this year! (April 12)
  4. Pastors’ Retreat: We are putting together a retreat specially made to help a few pastors with their churches and leadership teams.  We look forward to an excellent time together.  The dates are not set as we are looking for openings in a hotel with kitchenette.  Pray for guidance as we plan; open hearts as we teach; and a humble spirit as we learn. 
  5. Our Family: Please continue to pray for our family.  Pray for the Lord’s wisdom, clear communication amongst each other and with others, a considerate and loving heart to hurting people, God’s guidance in leadership, and whatever else the Lord lays on your heart.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever!

Thank you so much for being part of our team as we work together to RAISE UP LEADERS IN RURAL MEXICO!!!! 


Steve, Geña, Rebecka, Emma, and Mackenzie Silberman
Missionaries to Mexico
Alternative Missions
Cofradia Area Director
Ministry Website


Online, you can make a one-time, tax-deductible gift, or set up to make automatic monthly donations to our personal support at this link.

Send a check made out to Alternative Missions to Alternative Missions / PO Box 3107 / Ferndale, WA 98248.  Indicate that it is for The Silbermans.