Monday, February 26, 2018

His Place Team

A group from the His Place Church in Mount Vernon, Washington, came to help us repair the extremely leaky roof at the church.  The roof had been getting worse and worse in the past few years and the sealants that are normally used here were not working.  During the last rainy season, it seemed that the roof worked as tight filter as water would seep through the ceiling.

The team did an excellent job for the four days of tireless work mixing cement with lime, sand, and pumice rock, filling buckets, raising them up, and lots of shoveling.   We had some great help from a few of the locals for whom we were very grateful.

It was a great week working together.  The team had the opportunity to make a quick trip up to La Mesa, Nayarit, where Jay had been working and along with some other missionaries, helped get Martin (one of our own) established teaching the bible in a school there.  Everyone came back saying that it was a great experience.

Thank you very much Jim, Leslie, Mary, Tony, Jay, Mark, and JJ!!

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