Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Freedom in Christ - Cofradia

We spent three days with just over 20 people teaching about Freedom in Christ at Centro Cristiano Cofradia November 29 - December 1.  Pastor Goyo, Pastor Luis, and I took turns as we explained our identity in Christ, our position in him, and our authority over the enemy.

There are strongholds in our minds that cause us to keep doing those things that do no coincide with our identity in Christ.  Many of us do not even realize it, which is exactly what the enemy wants.  He's the "Father of Lies" as the bible says and can be known as Dr. Deception.  If we knew we were being deceived, it wouldn't be deception.  So, we need the Holy Spirit in our lives to reveal to us the areas in which we are being deceived.

We spent just over four hours on Friday renouncing sin, lies we've believed, and anything else that was revealed to us as we individually listened to the Holy Spirit's voice.  One of the most freeing experiences is forgiveness.  Every time we lead people through these "Steps to Freedom", people are impacted.  The steps do not free the people, the pastor does not free the people, the teachings do not free the people, but the Holy Spirit does as he works in our hearts; the Holy Spirit is our Counsellor and Comfort.

One man who does not know how to read shared that he had a burden of feeling unimportant lifted off of him; one lady says she felt light as her burdens were lifted; one said he was reminded of things in his life he had not dealt with and was able to deal with them; everyone who shared a testimony were impacted with joy and filled with peace.  The grace of God is amazing!

Thank you to all who were praying during this time and continue to pray for our ministry.  Freedom in Christ is real and it is possible!  We are free, but some of us just don't realize it yet.

This ministry continues because of generous people like you who pray and contribute.

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