Monday, October 23, 2023

Investment in the Kingdom: Grateful for God's Provision

On Tuesday nights, Pastor Goyo holds a Discipleship class with a few faithful believers who are eager to learn and grow. As we finished and shared prayer requests and praises, one of the ladies started to share about how thankful she is for God's Provision in her life lately. She recently gave her life to Jesus and made Him Lord of her life. There was a time she was so worried because they didn't have any money at all. Someone gave her $50 pesos (about 3 US dollars) and she hesitantly accepted because she didn't want to be a burden on anyone. With that, she was able to buy some supplies to make tortillas for her and her family. She began to put her faith in the Lord and the next day her husband received a payment from work worth about $150 US dollars. Then, days later some support money appeared in their bank account of nearly $300 US dollars. This strengthened her faith and made her Grateful for God's Provision. She continues to take steps forward in her walk with the Lord.

Thank you for your Investment in the Kingdom of God and partnering with us! Some of you have given and contributed to Pastor Goyo and the church in Cofradia, Centro Cristiano. This is part of your investment.

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