Thursday, February 27, 2025

Casa de Gracia - Cofradia United Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit

Pastors Jimmy and Perla have opened a new church. Since being led to move to the Puerto Vallarta area in order to refocus their priorities, God has placed in their care another church. This was not their original plan, but as they took time to refocus, they worked to make ends meat with no ambitions of starting another church right away. Because of their lifestyle, they share Jesus with others, that's what they do. After just a few months, people wanted to know more so they opened a House Group in their home. A mixed group of family members and neighbors would meet each Tuesday night. Until the Holy Spirit started to work in these new believers' lives. They didn't want to go to any other church but one where Jimmy and Perla were pastors. After a long time of prayer, they have felt the Lord's leading to open "Casa de Gracia" (House of Grace) in Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit.

We had the privilege of inagurating the church and speaking. The Lord continues to use Jimmy and Perla in a special way as they allow the Holy Spirit to lead them and teach them.

Casa de Gracia is a church plant and that is one of the focuses of our ministry at Cofradia United. They are currently renting this piece of property and are hoping to buy land and build...or buy an adequate building to call home for the church. Please consider how you would like to help them. Maybe the Lord leads you to come help them build??

If you would like to contribute financially, please designate your gift to "Casa de Gracia" or simply "Pastor Jimmy" here:

Online Donations:

Check by Mail:
Make checks payable to "Cofradia United USA"

Cofradia United USA
PO Box 91
Tracyton, WA 98393


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